Translations for creative businesses


here to serve you

MULTIVERSUM is your ideal partner for language services ranging from translation to hogh quality editorial texts in Italian, with a special focus on the multilingual reality of Switzerland

Content and form

In our translations, we strive to convey the meaning of the original text as closely as possible while paying special attention to the editorial quality of the product. This results in a smooth translation, which will be read with the same pleasure as an original text. This is especially important in the fields of marketing and communication as well as in journalistic and editorial texts, which are our areas of specialization.



A business with years of professional commitment to translation, communication, and languages

Swiss quality  

Extensive knowledge of the linguistic, social and cultural reality of Italian-speaking Switzerland, which in many ways differs from the situation in Italy.


Specific expertise with regard to informational and creative content (marketing, communication, journalism) that, compared to purely technical texts, demands greater attention in terms of style and linguistic adaptation to the targeted audience.


Thanks to a network of trusted professional contacts with whom we regularly collaborate, we are able to help clients who need language services in other languages (French, German, English).


Sandor Marazza übersetzt nicht nur, sondern überprüft den Text auch inhaltlich und liefert so Übersetzungen, welche den Text in
Originalsprache noch übertreffen. Seine zuverlässige, speditive und freundliche Art machen die Zusammenarbeit mit Sandor äusserst angenehm.
Sandors Sprachgefühl ist eindrücklich, Texte werden im entsprechenden Stil – technisch oder emotional – in einer sehr schönen Sprache wiedergegeben.Nella mia attività musicale, creatività e business devono coesistere e trovare un delicato equilibrio tra loro.
Le traduzioni di MULTIVERSUM mi sono di grande aiuto perché sanno cogliere e conciliare in modo accurato e stilisticamente perfetto questi due aspetti.


Since 2014, Multiversum has been handling translations and editing texts for companies, organizations, associations and freelancers operating in Switzerland and internationally. With our clients we strive to maintain a serious and professional, but also cordial and pleasant relationship aimed to ensure a pleasant working climate for all. Based in Losone, in the heart of Italian-speaking Switzerland, Multiversum aspires to facilitate contacts and exchanges between the various linguistic regions of the country and beyond, always with an eye for the beauty of language and for creativity.

Sandor Marazza grew up in Locarno, Switzerland, in a bilingual family (Italian-German). He studied international relations and literature in Geneva and Florence. Passionate about languages, he is fluent in six and has worked in the translation field for many years. He is also involved in literary translation and literature-related events.

 Fiorenza Kuthan a grandi à Locarno, en Suisse italienne, dans une famille italo-francophone.  Elle a étudié anthropologie et lettres à Neuchâtel et Buenos Aires. Après avoir travaillé de nombreuses années dans l’humanitaire et les droits de l’homme, elle s’est dirigée vers le domaine de la traduction et du sous-titrage. Elle parle couramment cinq langues.
Manuel Guidi è nato a Locarno nel 1980. Dopo la laurea in filosofia all’Università «La Sapienza» di Roma e il dottorato all’Università di Parma, è stato ricercatore invitato presso l’Università «Humboldt» di Berlino. È traduttore di diversi saggi e articoli di autori francesi, di libri di autori tedeschi e svizzero-tedeschi, nonché giornalista specializzato sui temi della cultura e della divulgazione scientifica. Ha lavorato con varie riviste italiane e collabora regolarmente con diverse testate ticinesi.


Do you have any questions? Would you like to tell us something? Do you need a translation? Please contact us.